How To Take A Social Media Break On Holidays WIthout Losing Momentum

In this episode we are covering: How to take a social Media Detox without losing impact How to stop sharing and start documenting 5 ways to show up without posting
How can you take a break from social media effectively?

Approaching the holiday season is essential to take a digital detox but how can you take a social media break without losing momentum and sales?

How can you take from social media effectively?

Approaching the holiday season is essential to take a digital detox but how can you take a social media break without losing momentum and sales?

Joseph & Claire are walking you through 5 ways to take a social media break strategically for your next holiday. 

You can join the conversation  over on Instagram @thedigitalbosses
Check out and start to build your brand today 

Creators and Guests

Claire Chen
Claire Chen
Claire Chen is an image consultant, brand stylist and visual strategist. Over 16 years of international experiences working in the corporate of retail fashion and beauty industry as a stylist, and buyer, she has always loved the process of building a brand from scratch. She has combined her passion in merchandising, marketing and design to help small businesses owners and entrepreneurs build a strong, digital brand image and visibility.
Joseph Rubelli
Joseph Rubelli
Joseph Rubelli has spent his career building brands, helping businesses grow, and telling stories that resonate with audiences. After years of working in sales, marketing, and business across Europe and EMEA in the beauty & fashion industry for global brands like Lancer, Sephora, and LVMH Group, he combined his experience in corporate with a passion for storytelling and communication to found Rubelli Digital in 2020. He brings his expertise in digital marketing and PR to help business owners and service providers transform their businesses into strong digital brands.
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